MOT Information

The MOT Test is an annual test of automobile safety, roadworthiness aspects and exhaust emissions which are applicable to most vehicles over three years old in the United Kingdom if they are used on public roads.

MOT Costs*
Class IV (Cars & light vans) - £54.00 *** See local press for your £40 MOT voucher ***
Class IV (Private Passenger Vehicles & Ambulances [9-12 Passenger Seats]) - £57.00

Available slots:
We MOT Monday to Friday (all day) and Saturday (AM Only)
*Mot prices correct as of 17/08/21


Q. Do you need to take your vehicle registration document (also known as V5 or Log book) for an MOT?
A. It’s not essential; however it can be useful if there is a mistake in the DVLA records. It could save you a trip home and back to the MOT test centre again. However, for safety you may want to take a copy rather than leaving the registration document for the car in the hands of someone you don’t know.

Q. My car has failed its MOT, can I still drive it?
A. It depends. If the old MOT is still valid, you may continue to drive until the expiry date of the existing MOT as long as the car as long as it is road worthy. The car must obviously be taxed and insured too.

Q. How soon before the expiry date can a car be taken for an MOT?
A. You can take the car any time you wish for an MOT. If it is taken over a month in advance of expiry, the new MOT can be issued for 13 months instead of 12 months if you take the old MOT certificate with you.

Q. Can you drive a car to an MOT if it isn't taxed?
A. Yes, if the appointment is pre-booked and the vehicle is insured. You need an MOT before you can tax a vehicle, so if the MOT has expired you need to be able to get it to an MOT test centre. You should go by the most direct route (i.e. not stop off to do the shopping on the way) and ideally the MOT station should be local to you.

Q. How long does the MOT take?
A. On average an MOT takes about 40/50 minutes.